Welcome back to term 3 everyone!
I hope you all had a lovely and chocolate filled Easter break.
Here are some suggested activities for you to complete today.
Hope you're all keeping safe,
Ms Glendon
1. Literacy:
Today we are going to revise our vowel sounds.
There are two categories: Short Vowel and long vowel
Short vowels are; a,e,i,o,u
Long vowels are: á,é,í,ó,ú (the line over the vowel is called a fada and makes it a long vowel)
(a short YouTube clip might help a little, https://youtu.be/_nxu1CssWLk )
Spend a short time going through the sounds with your child, allow them some time to study them and afterwards check with them to see how well they know them. Eg. ask them if the “ee” sounding vowel is “i” or “í” (i with a fada). See below image of a table including all the short and long vowels with their pronunciations and examples.
4. SESE:
Theme - Australia
Ideas - capital, population, language, flag, animals, states, climate, history (aborigines), famous people, famous landmarks, national anthem, popular food, popular sports, traditions
I hope you all had a lovely and chocolate filled Easter break.
Here are some suggested activities for you to complete today.
Hope you're all keeping safe,
Ms Glendon
1. Literacy:
- Phonics - list words with the phonic <i> (icy, icon, diet, child, idea, wild, behind, spider, pirate, diary, Viking, horizon, phial, quiet, gigantic, diagonal, microphone, hibernate) - 10 minutes
- Refer to page 42 in your Jolly Grammar Activity book for the <i> sound
- Reading - 10 minutes
- Writing - Can you think of 5 bossy verbs that you can use when writing instructions, for e.g. mix, put, place, fold, eat, etc. Use some of the bossy verbs that you have thought of to complete these sentences:
- ___________ up and walk away.
- ___________ your sandwich.
- ___________ your shoes.
- ___________ your brother.
- Mental Maths Week 26 Page 77 Monday
- Tables x11 Table Toppers Unit 12 pg. 22
Today we are going to revise our vowel sounds.
There are two categories: Short Vowel and long vowel
Short vowels are; a,e,i,o,u
Long vowels are: á,é,í,ó,ú (the line over the vowel is called a fada and makes it a long vowel)
(a short YouTube clip might help a little, https://youtu.be/_nxu1CssWLk )
Spend a short time going through the sounds with your child, allow them some time to study them and afterwards check with them to see how well they know them. Eg. ask them if the “ee” sounding vowel is “i” or “í” (i with a fada). See below image of a table including all the short and long vowels with their pronunciations and examples.
4. SESE:
Theme - Australia
Ideas - capital, population, language, flag, animals, states, climate, history (aborigines), famous people, famous landmarks, national anthem, popular food, popular sports, traditions