Check out the excellent projects on Australia that the children were busy working on from home.
We learned all about the important elements of writing recipes such as:
Look at all the bossy verbs and adverbs that we used in writing our delicious recipes. ** Warning **
You might feel very hungry after reading all these mouth-watering recipes!!! Happy Friday everyone!! Well done on completing the tasks this week. It's great to see all the hard work you have been completing at home from all the lovely pictures you have been sending in to me. Here are some suggested activities for today. 1. Numeracy: Mental Maths Week 26 Page 79 Friday Review 2. SESE: Finish your project on Australia Websites: Enjoy your weekend! All the best, Ms. Glendon 1. Literacy:
Mental Maths Week 26 Page 78 Thursday Tables x11 Table Toppers Unit 12 pg. 23 3. Gaeilge: As a revision exercise try ask your child a few questions based on “Sa Chistin” and “Sa Seomra Codlata”. Ask them where a certain object is. Get them to give you a full answer, eg. Parent: Cá bhfuil an taephota? (Where is the teapot?) Child: Tá an taephota sa chistin (The teapot is in the kitchen) Pick objects from Tuesday & Wednesday’s list at random and ask your child to tell you where it is, through Irish. If you are not comfortable using Irish then by all means ask them “Where is the teapot?” but your child should answer you through Irish. 4. Art: Pointillism- Aboriginal art Responding to Dreaming stories Use a cotton bud to make some dots on black or white paper. Or use markers or crayons to make dot patterns. Attached are some examples of what you can do. 5. SESE: Project Theme- Australia 1. Literacy:
2. Numeracy:
3. Gaeilge: Today we are looking at Sa Seomra Codlata (The bedroom). The following is a list of words associated with the bedroom, along with a poster of the words and a picture to go with them. Like yesterday try spending 10-15 mins or so going through the words and try to memorise as many as possible. Sa Seomra Suí Teilifíseán - tv bord caife - coffee table Cathaoir - chair Planda - plant Ruga - rug Tolg - couch Fuinneog - window Tine - fire Pictiúr - picture seinnteoir DVD - DVD player 4. PE: Joe Wicks aka The Body Coach is running an excellent PE session for children which is called “PE with Joe” and is live every morning at 9 o’clock from his YouTube Channel at If unable to connect to his YouTube Channel, here are some drills that the children can complete instead: 12 Jumping Jacks 12 Lunges (6 on each leg) Balance on your right foot for 30 seconds Balance on your left foot for 30 seconds Repeat the above 3 times Can you run for 6 minutes without stopping? Take a note of when you finished and try to beat it tomorrow. Hello everyone and welcome to our second day back after Easter. Here are some suggested activities for you to complete today. All the best, Ms. Glendon 1. Literacy:
2. Numeracy:
3. Gaeilge: This week we are looking at the different rooms in houses and the various objects that can be found in those rooms. Today we are looking at Sa Chistin (The kitchen). The following is a list of words associated with the kitchen, along with a poster of the words and a picture to go with them (both of these lists can be seen in the images below). Try spending 10-15 mins or so going through the words and try to memorise as many as possible. The website can be helpful as they provide a pronunciation function. 4. SESE: Project Theme - Australia Cúla4 ar Scoil Ag tosú Dé Luain 20 Aibreán ag 10:00 am ar TG4 RTE Home School Hub link: Welcome back to term 3 everyone! I hope you all had a lovely and chocolate filled Easter break. Here are some suggested activities for you to complete today. Hope you're all keeping safe, Ms Glendon 1. Literacy:
Today we are going to revise our vowel sounds. There are two categories: Short Vowel and long vowel Short vowels are; a,e,i,o,u Long vowels are: á,é,í,ó,ú (the line over the vowel is called a fada and makes it a long vowel) (a short YouTube clip might help a little, ) Spend a short time going through the sounds with your child, allow them some time to study them and afterwards check with them to see how well they know them. Eg. ask them if the “ee” sounding vowel is “i” or “í” (i with a fada). See below image of a table including all the short and long vowels with their pronunciations and examples. 4. SESE: Project Theme - Australia Ideas - capital, population, language, flag, animals, states, climate, history (aborigines), famous people, famous landmarks, national anthem, popular food, popular sports, traditions |
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