little grey squirrel
so frisky and grey,
gathered seeds and nuts each
gold Autumn day.
But when the winter came,
and the snow lay deep,
the little grey squirrel,
curled up fast asleep.
Contact Details: 045 434853 [email protected] W12FK10 |
little grey squirrelA little grey squirrel,
so frisky and grey, gathered seeds and nuts each gold Autumn day. But when the winter came, and the snow lay deep, the little grey squirrel, curled up fast asleep.
Boys and girls in the clovers were very busy this week counting sets 1-5. We had great fun and it was lovely to see the children working together, sharing and taking turns as we counted our sets from 1 to 5.
When I get up in the morning
I'll tell you what I do, I wash my hands and I wash my face, Splishity-splash, splishity-splash. I clean my teeth till they're shining white, Scrubbity-scrub, scrubbity-scrub, Then I put on my clothes and brush my hair, And runnity-run, I run downstairs. Tracksuit days for The Clovers this year will be Wednesdays and Fridays. Please remember to wear proper runners for support and a plain white t-shirt with your school tracksuit.
September 2021